How many members are in the group?
We currently have around 300 members.
What is the age range of the members?
At present most are over 40 but we welcome adults of all ages. Members must be over 18 as CLOG is not a family group and children are not allowed on events.
How much is the annual membership fee?
New members pay £10 for the first year. Renewing members pay £15 per year, or £10 if living outside Greater London or the home counties.
What does the subscription fee pay for?
Around a third is spent on basic running costs, including the website, publicity, newsletter, insurance and administration. The rest is spent on subsidising socials, certain trips or special events. We also make small donations to charities.
Who runs CLOG?
An elected committee looks after the overall running of the group. All events and trips are organised on a voluntary basis by individual members.
How many people are there on CLOG activities?
It varies depending on the event but can be anywhere from five to 25 people.
How do I book my place on trips away?
Members receive emails giving full details of trips and explaining how to book and pay. Often more people apply for places than the number available, so you may not get on every trip you want to. The organiser will email you soon after you've returned the booking form to confirm whether or not you have a place.
Can I take my dog on day walks?
Often yes, provided it is well-behaved, but check with the leader first. You must ensure your dog is on a lead where livestock is present, or if the leader requests.
How easy or difficult are the walks and rides?
We organise a range of different walks, so check out the event description to get an idea of pace and terrain, or contact the leader if you need more information. Cycle rides are generally entry level.
How do members find out about CLOG's data protection policy?
Click here for our Privacy Notice. This explains what personal information CLOG holds in relation to members, how and why it is used, what is done to safeguard it and their rights in relation to this information. It is emailed to members when they join or renew their membership.
How can I stop my image appearing on the website?
CLOG members often take photos during events, which may be used to share news about events and to publicise the group. They may be used in newsletters and printed publicity and on our website and social media pages. If you prefer not to be photographed, please notify the event leader at the time or step out of the photo. If you want us to delete images in which your face is recognisable, email